EGRMC Auxiliary and Employees Help Families at Thanksgiving
Representatives of Sons of Light Ministry arrived this morning to pick up 230 bags of Thanksgiving food items that were so graciously donated by the hospital Auxiliary and staff members. The bags were each filled with everything needed to prepare a Thanksgiving meal, and also included a gift card to purchase a ham or turkey.
David Keene, President of the Auxiliary, stated that this year was the largest donation we have given in the over 8 years of this supporting this project. In November 2018, we donated 154 bags of food to needy families, and are grateful to see this number increase significantly!
“We know the holidays can be challenging for some families here in our community,” said Keene. “This is just one thing we can do to help ease that burden, and know that more families are able to enjoy a nice Thanksgiving meal this year.”
We give thanks to all of the EGRMC Volunteers and employees who helped support this wonderful project again this year.
